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Saturday, January 31, 2009

Current Freebies

*Always Clean
This is limit 2 per household, so make sure you submit twice!

*Always Infinity
This is limit 1 per household!

*Always Sample Kit
This is limit2 per household, so make sure you submit twice! This also comes with a coupon for a FREE Always Infinity 18 ct! I also think you have to be a teen to receive this, so just make sure your birth year is set to some time in the 90's.

*Beech-nut Let's Grow!
Free Beech-nut Let's Grow! Growth Chart and money saving coupon just for entering!

Zombies, straight ahead!!!

I think that this has to be the most hilarious thing I've seen so far today. Apparently, in Texas someone hacked into the Dept. of Transportation's computers and altered the digital signs to warn drivers to "run" from the "zombies ahead." The department is still trying to figure out who hacked into its system.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

They grow sooo fast......

My baby is getting bigger! He's got 2 teeth now, rolls both ways, holds his own bottle and sits up. They grow so fast. Next thing I know he'll be crawling!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My Babies

I have a 2 year old daughter and a 7 month old son. I love them to death, but sometimes they are little hams for the camera. I'll show you what I mean:

My Stockpile

Those of you who don't know me, or what I do, I hope this sheds a little light on my craziness. I love finding amazing deals, and paying practically nothing out of pocket for items. Thanks to this wonderful website called WeUseCoupons (see "favorite links" on the right side) and the wonderful people that frequent that site, I've found many amazing deals and learned how to use coupons properly. I highly recommend this site.

Well, due to learning this, I've gotten a lovely little stockpile accumulated and will not have to buy certain things for a while. It's not as organized as I'd like, and I can't wait until this spring/summer when we move into a larger house. This isn't all of it, as you can't see the toilet paper/paper towel, or inside the boxes, but it's good enough for you to get the hint.

*Disclaimer: I do not hoard items, nor am I a pack-rat. Actually the rest of my house is very organized and we will be moving soon to a bigger house that can support this wonderful "habit." I do not ever empty the shelves at the store, I always give others the chance to get the same deal. I also donate items that I will not use. So, please, no bashing about these pictures.