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Monday, February 2, 2009

My Coupon Binder

Here's some pictures of my coupon binder. I'll go more into detail in a little bit about it.


Creative Chaos said...

I love your binder! :) It's very much like the one I have and it works great for me. Shannon from http://chicksaddictedtocoupons.blogspot.com/

Julie said...

Thanks Shannon! I love my binder, but I had to recently upgrade to a 4 inch. I still use the one pictured, but one side is for Rite Aid deals and the other is for Target.

Creative Chaos said...

I will probably have to upgrade myself soon, I can barely zip it and I would love to have a handle/strap. :)

Julie said...

Oh, I love my strap. It's awesome and so much easier than the ones that don't have one. Hopefully you can find one cheap, I got my new one on clearance at Kmart about a year ago for $3, but it didn't have the strap so I attached the strap from my old one.

Creative Chaos said...

how did you attach it?

Julie said...

I just attached it right to the (top and bottom) metal rings of the binder. It can be a little annoying when trying to move the pages, but it's a lot easier to carry.