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Saturday, May 22, 2010

Earning Swagbucks Daily

Last month I told you about joining Swagbucks and how easy it was to use that towards your Christmas shopping. If you haven't signed up yet, maybe this will help nudge you... they just recently started giving out 1 SB per day just for voting in the Daily Poll. I've heard about other ways to gain Swagbucks daily, including searching for websites you use, checking the swidget frequently (it's at the bottom of this site), watching their Facebook homepage, and Twitter.

Another reason to help you make that decision to join: Since my last post, I have gained another $35 in gift cards to Amazon going towards Christmas. I'm gaining them at a rate of at least $20 in Amazon gift cards per month! Hopefully, you'll take my advice and join, it's free money!

*Every time you've seen the word Swagbucks in this post, it's a clickable link (through my referral) to the swagbucks site. Full disclosure, please don't hate me.