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Sunday, May 9, 2010

My Rite Aid Trip: May 8, 2010

While I was working on Saturday, I remembered the deal about the Thermacare wraps that I posted earlier in the week on WeUseCoupons.com... well I had already used the $3/1 coupon I had, but found a ton of $2/1 peelies.

This is what my transaction looked like:

9 x Thermacare 8 hr : $6.99 each, $5.59 after my associate discount of 20%

Subtotal = $50.31

-9 x $2/1 Thermacare 8 hr peelies
-9 x $3/1 Thermacare in-ad Q (this is YMMV, but my store allows multiples in one transaction)

Total = 31¢ and there's no tax on these in NYS!!!

Just a note: I didn't clear the shelves... there was a good dozen more with peelies left on them. I can't wait until this in-ad Q comes out again!