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Monday, June 14, 2010

Printing Bricks Coupons Problems?

I frequently have people asking why they have problems with printing Bricks coupons. Here's the solution:

If you ever try to print a bricks coupon and it shows up as "Please wait..." or to install the coupon printer when you already did, you might have to adjust the link. You'll look for 2 letters in the website link, either "wg", "wi", "vi" or "xs".

For example: http:// bricks.coupons.com/Start.asp?tqnm=qdbsdqh80798356&bt=vi&o=55948&c=LS&p=C1nlreuM

  • If you are using Firefox, change it to "wg"
  • If you are using Internet Explorer, change it to "wi" or "vi"
  • If you are using Safari, change it to "xs"
This should help clear up any problems!